Bethany Hills
Church Camp

Bethany Hills is a small group retreat center nestled in the woods near Kingston Springs, Tennessee, about an hour west of Nashville. Each year over 400 children, youth, and adults from the 64 congregations of the Region participate in an outstanding summer camp ministry at Bethany Hills. Also each summer the Tennessee Chapter of the American Cancer Society sponsors three weeks of camps for children with cancer and their siblings at Bethany Hills.
Away from the noise of towns and highways, visitors can enjoy the quiet serenity of the lake and surrounding woods. Free from distractions, they can use the time to focus on their spiritual development, develop a strategic operating plan, experience team building, or just take a sabbatical and regroup.
A modern lodge with a capacity of 60 people, a conference room, and a small kitchen
A chapel by the lake
A dining hall seating 160 people
A recreation building
12 cabins (3 winterized) each with a capacity of 8-36 people
An arts and crafts lodge (bring your own supplies)
Several walking trails
A children's playground
Campfire area
Swimming Pool
Small lake with 2 fishing docks
Please visit www.ccdctn.org for full details and registration forms.

Bethany Hills Camp and Conference Center is a 300-acre parcel located in the rolling hills of Cheatham and Dickson Counties. Bethany Hills is "Holy Ground." Not only does the magnificent landscape offer a beautiful picture of God's creative genius in Middle Tennessee, but the spiritual atmosphere around the Chapel by the Lake, the Upper Room, the campfire area, and fellowship and study areas provide a "beautiful view" of God's presence and love. Participants grow as Christians, returning to their daily lives renewed and responsive to the challenge of living faithfully. The camp has a recreation hall, a swimming pool, a ball field, hiking trails, and a good '‘ole fashioned fishing hole.’’ At the heart of Bethany Hills is the Lodge with a wonderful meeting and gathering room and dorm-style sleeping rooms.
regionaloffice@tndisciples.org (phone) 615-952-9184
1080 Bethany Hills Rd, Kingston Springs, TN 37082